Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wow, what a month February was!

We have not gotten city water since my last blog on January 28. We are pumping from our well but only 5 min. a day as it is very low and we are in major water conservation mode. But so far we are doing fine and praising the Lord for that as many around us have much less in reserve than us.

Our son, Isaac was sworn in as a US Marines and left for basic training on Feb. 17. However, two days later he was told he was being discharged because they found he had glaucoma. This was a real shock to him and to us. How do you comfort your child when you are thousands of miles and oceans apart? He is now back in MN where he is looking for a job and waiting on God's leading in where to go to school again in the fall. Many people were praying for him in the past two weeks as he processed all of this and he is doing great. He feels it was a good learning experience and he grew tremendously in his walk with the Lord.

We have also asked many people to pray for a three month old baby, Gud Luk. He is the nephew of our driver and has had a blocked intestine since birth. He finally became too sick to eat so they brought him to their doctor. He was admitted and put on an IV drip but was too weak to have surgery. After two weeks and many prayers he was finally a bit stronger so the surgery was done. He came through it and is gaining strength! We feel this was a true miracle as we saw him a few days before surgery and did not think he would live. We plan to go back to the hospital he is in and visit the family tomorrow and again pray with them.

Rick has done quality control training for the lab staff this week and plans to do more in the coming weeks. He is also trying to help with the plans for a new building for the lab.

We just had two short term missionaries from the US leave after a month of work here. We will welcome a medical student from Switzerland on Tuesday and one from the US later this month so I have been busy keeping the apartments cleaned and stocked with supplies. We often have them at our house on Saturday nights for pizza and a movie and they come by to use the Internet occasionally.

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