While our four college kids in the US were returning to school after enjoying their spring breaks together in MN with grandparents our spring break was just beginning.
We traveled four hours to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria for a three day stain in a hotel. It was wonderful to have unlimited water, power, and air conditioning in addition to a beautiful pool. We enjoyed the pool side each day for several hours and I was reminded that it only takes about ten minutes before I begin to burn in the sun here. We brought food from home for most of our meals but we did enjoy some great food as we tried new restaurants in the evenings.
The downside of our break was to return home from Abuja hot and tired from the long drive and find that we had a couple of leaky ground pipes which resulted in us loosing all of the water we had stored in our high tank (hundreds of gallons). That meant NO running water in the house and only a little in our two ground tanks. It was a 'welcome back to reality' moment. I fetched two buckets of water before dark to use in the house and we washed up a bit but no showers. Twenty-four hours later the plumber came and we now have water in our high tank once again but none in our ground tanks as we pumped it all to the high one. We are planning to have a tanker of water delivered tomorrow to fill all our tanks which should last us a month. The rains will hopefully come before we get low again and begin to give us some water in our well.
With both ground tanks empty it was a perfect time to clean them out good. They get VERY green and disgusting in this heat. So today it was Jacob's job to climb inside them and bucket out the little remaining water then scrub them down and finally rinse them with bleach water.
Since I last wrote we have seen Gud Luk (Good Luck) and he is doing very well. He was able to return home from the hospital a week ago to the joy of his parents and sisters and he continues to thrive.
I received an encouraging visit last week by a former student of mine from JETS, Jos ECWA Theological Seminary. He is now an ECWA, Evangelical Church of West Africa, missionary in a remote village to the north. He came to Jos with his wife and young son so she could deliver their new baby in a hospital. He needed assistance to buy medicine for his wife and also told me about his ministry. He said that my English class continues to be a blessing to him as he studies to do evangelism and preaching in his area and he will never forget what he learned in that class.
praying for you! We think of you daily and have your latest newsletter on a fridge and your location up on our dinning room wall map. Blessings.......we speak so highly of you and your hard work there. You are a fine example of tentmaking.....keeping you lifted up!