As I was reading from the book of John this week a verse struck me in a new way. John 16:12 says, "Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the JOY that a child has been born into the world."
This of course reminds me of the birth of Christ and the pain that it brought Mary but then what JOY the birth also brought not only she and Joseph but many others as our Lord grew and ministered to multitudes through the love and power of God.
This verse also has brought to mind the pain and anguish that many couples here in Nigeria feel as they see their friends and family members give birth to tiny babies. Yet year after year they remain childless themselves. But when we place a baby in their arms we see the anguish and pain replaced with JOY because of their new child.
Many have asked us how we can care for and love a baby for several months and then give that baby to someone else. They see how we embrace the baby as our own and love them deeply. We tell them that it is because we see this as a ministry to bless these couples who desperately desire a child but can not have their own. We do see the JOY that the baby brings them as we hand the child over to them and pray God's blessing on the new family. Yes, we feel a loss for a few days as our house is much quieter but we are also filled with JOY, knowing that God is using us to bring His JOY to couples in Nigeria.
The daddy of our most recent placement, 'Aaron' who is now named Joshua, told us last week that although they had wanted and waited for a child for many
years, he was a bit fearful and apprehensive on the day we came to bring their son. "I knew it was a big responsibility", he said, "and I was not sure I could really love this child as my own and as I knew I should". But he said, "I soon found God gave me a changed heart and a great love for little Joshua that I never knew existed. I am sure I could never love a child of my own flesh any more than I love him. " Now when people ask him about this adoption and his son, he shares with them of his changed heart and love for little Joshua.
The pain and anguish of this couple has truly been changed to JOY!
This of course reminds me of the birth of Christ and the pain that it brought Mary but then what JOY the birth also brought not only she and Joseph but many others as our Lord grew and ministered to multitudes through the love and power of God.
This verse also has brought to mind the pain and anguish that many couples here in Nigeria feel as they see their friends and family members give birth to tiny babies. Yet year after year they remain childless themselves. But when we place a baby in their arms we see the anguish and pain replaced with JOY because of their new child.
Many have asked us how we can care for and love a baby for several months and then give that baby to someone else. They see how we embrace the baby as our own and love them deeply. We tell them that it is because we see this as a ministry to bless these couples who desperately desire a child but can not have their own. We do see the JOY that the baby brings them as we hand the child over to them and pray God's blessing on the new family. Yes, we feel a loss for a few days as our house is much quieter but we are also filled with JOY, knowing that God is using us to bring His JOY to couples in Nigeria.
The daddy of our most recent placement, 'Aaron' who is now named Joshua, told us last week that although they had wanted and waited for a child for many
The pain and anguish of this couple has truly been changed to JOY!